Three Reasons You May Be Restless with Your Current Job 

In today’s workforce, most people don’t expect to be at their job their entire lives as they did in the past. In fact, in a CareerBuilder article, it states that by the age of 35, 25 percent of workers have held five jobs or more.  

Here are the three main reasons most people start to feel restless.  


Ask yourself these questions: 

  • Why did you take the job in the first place? What excited you about it?  
  • What about the company is making the world a better place?  
  • Are you helping someone have a better day? Serving people or an industry in a way that has meaning and impact? Even if it’s indirect, is your job part of a bigger picture? 

If this describes your restlessness, consider this before you hand in your notice: 

  • Is this job something you need to pay the bills while you build a side-hustle that does fulfill you?  
  • Can you keep the full time job, and find an activity (either within or without of the company) that would fulfill your desire for impact? Would volunteering, for example, as a big sister/brother, or in another community activity fulfill your need for impact? 


If you’ve been with your job for two or three years, and haven’t received a raise or promotion, nor do you see any on the horizon, it might be time to look around. But if you’ve been there less than that time, don’t be discouraged. Most companies expect you to excel in your current position for a couple of years before giving more responsibility or leadership opportunities. Ask your boss what career pathing looks like for you. 

In the age of instant everything – some things take time and this is one of them.  

And who knows? Opportunity may be just around the corner.  


If you want to quit your current job to make your side-hustle a full-time gig, or want to start your own business, here’s a good way to determine if it’s the right time to quit the “day job.” 

To see if you can make it financially on the side-hustle without quitting your day job, take these steps: 

  • Open up a second bank account, and put your current full time job’s paycheck into the new account.  
  • For three to six months, only use the money you are earning from your side-hustle.  

At the end of the allotted time period, you’ll know if you can make it with the side-hustle cash flow. AND you’ll have a nice cushion when you quit your full time job in case things don’t quite go as planned. 

Now, in truth, you’re going to have to work your tail off during those three to six months. You’ll basically be working two full time jobs, because you can’t know what the side hustle will bring in if you’re only doing it a few hours per week. However, if it’s something you’re really passionate about, the side-hustle work won’t be arduous. 

Should I leave or should I stay? 

A friend just recently shared a gem that her dad taught her. She said, “If the job is PAINFUL, it might be time to start looking for something else. But if it’s just STRETCHING you, then stay, learn, and grow.”  

And just a couple of tips –  

  • Don’t QUIT your old job until you have a new job. 
  • Don’t use your current company’s time to look for a new job. 
  • Be discreet. Don’t even let your co-workers know you are seeking employment elsewhere. It may limit opportunities for you if you decide to stay. 
  • If you decide to go – leave well. Don’t burn any bridges, as you never know who you will cross paths with in the future. You don’t want to write a scathing letter to the CEO, for example, telling him all that you think is wrong with the company. If you have legitimate grievances upon exiting, ask for an exit interview and lay them out in a professional manner. 

Overall, if you decide to stay – be all in. Work hard and be patient. You’ll know when it’s time to go. 

See next week’s article: “Four Reasons You May Want to Stay at Your Current Job.”

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