If you’re unable to pay your bills every month, you’ve either got to cut expenses or increase income. But there’s something else that will really help you with your bills...
Dave Ramsey Debt Snowball - https://www.daveramsey.com/blog/get-out-of-debt-with-the-debt-snowball-plan
Podcasts & Blogs on How to Cut Expenses & Increase Income
- http://www.adultinglikeaboss.net/2018/07/25/expenses_income_pt1/
- http://www.adultinglikeaboss.net/2018/07/25/expenses_income_pt2/
- http://www.adultinglikeaboss.net/podcast/episode007/
- http://www.adultinglikeaboss.net/podcast/episode008/
Free Budget Template - http://www.adultinglikeaboss.net/freebies/
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